Sunday, August 24, 2014

Song #16: Joe Walsh - "Life's Been Good to Me"

Song #16: Joe Walsh - "Life's Been Good to Me" (1978)
But Seriously, Folks...
"I can't complain, but sometimes I still do, life's been good to me so far."

I've heard numerous different versions of Joe Walsh's smash-hit "Life's Been Good to Me," from the original vinyl rendition, to the radio edit, to the full-cut on the album and Youtube, and even live from Joe Walsh himself at The Eagles concert I attended back in October 2013. Each time I hear the song, I recall my own personal life, my brief stint in the popularity "limelight" in high school for my film reviews, and contemplate all I've been graced with in a way that is amazingly self-reflective and quietly therapeutic.

"Life's Been Good to Me" is a lengthy masterpiece of a song, from the long-stretches of instrumentation that don't feel like they're subtracting from the lyrical poetry of the song, to the humorous and often referential lyricism that Walsh employs. The song is a reminder of living in the rock limelight, how some are more fortunate than others, and even references real-life events and run-ins other rock stars had in the 1970's, when this song was written.

My favorite line is and always will be the one I quoted above, which I often recite and provide my own personal spin on it when in a conversation with people. It's one of the most honest lines about humans that I've heard. We all love to complain, even if we really shouldn't, and even in a state of satisfaction, contentment, or the rare but pleasant indifference, we still have the gall to whine about the most petty things. Walsh sums that up beautifully in his song, which is one of the most insightful rock songs that dives into the human spirit.

Give "Life's Been Good to Me" a listen,

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