Monday, July 7, 2014

Song #64: Elvis Presley - "Burning Love"

Song #64: Elvis Presley - "Burning Love" (1972)
Burning Love and Hits from His Movies, Volume 2
"It's comin' closer, the flames are now lickin' my body!"

Few songs possess the ability to transport me back to a specific period in my life. However, whenever I heard Elvis Presley's "Burning Love," on my phone or where I work, my mind exits its current state and drifts to the time when sophomore year of high school just ended, rather early to be specific. It was May 31st, and I was watching Lilo & Stitch, the absolutely wonderful Disney film when I first heard the song. Since then, the song stuck, and every time I hear it, I get transported back to he end of my sophomore year, when things just started going right for me in terms of where I wanted to be in the social limelight of school. Many knew my name, many knew I wrote reviews, and I had people coming up to me, whom I didn't even know, asking my thoughts on certain films and such, thanks to the extremely formal business cards I had a close friend make for me. 

After a hellish middle school and a rocky, tumultuous freshman year, sophomore year had done everything I had hoped for it to do for me. Unbeknownst to me that junior and senior year would be even better, I lived it up, made new friends, and made a personal pledge to keep those I kept close to me at the beginning of freshman year - those who had a huge impact on me - close until I walked out of the building for the final time with my cap and gown on in June 2014. 

"Burning Love" was the perfect, lively song to commemorate a great year, with its lively lyrics and passionately-sung lyrics, by a larger-than-life rock and roll singer who continues to etch himself in the books of the greatest artists whoever lived. As I stated, few songs bring back the sounds, the environment, the emotions, and the rush of a time period like "Burning Love" for me personally, but at least all of the above are good things rather than mediocre memories I've tried to repress. Not to mention, this is the only Elvis song that I've ever heard that I actually wanted on my phone or close by, to be played whenever I wanted it to be played.

Give "Burning Love" a listen,

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